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About Me

Meet Laina Rae, Your Home Organizing Guru

Hey there, fabulous friends! I'm Laina Rae, your go-to guru for turning chaos into order with a sprinkle of laughter and a dash of design magic. At 40-something, I've mastered the art of juggling life's craziness with a smile on my face – and trust me, it's all about finding that perfect balance between color-coded chaos and organized tranquility.

As a professional organizer extraordinaire, I've not only honed my skills in decluttering, but I've practically earned a Ph.D. in deciphering the mysteries of home organization. Forget about the Bermuda Triangle; the real mystery is why we keep misplacing our keys, right? Fear not, because I'm here to help you navigate the sea of stuff and reclaim your space.


Now, I didn't just stumble into this organized wonderland. Armed with a passion for interior design and a keen eye for art, I've cultivated a style that's a delightful blend of Pinterest-perfect and real-life practical. Because let's face it, life is messy, but your living room doesn't have to be!

I get it. Life is a chaotic whirlwind of soccer games, school projects, and trying to remember if you turned off the stove. But fear not, my dear friend! With me by your side, we'll transform your living space into a sanctuary of sanity. And yes, it can be done without sacrificing your quirky collection of rubber ducks or that inexplicable assortment of mismatched socks.

One thing you'll quickly discover about me is that I'm not your typical organizer. I don't come armed with judgment or a Marie Kondo-sized guilt trip. Instead, I bring a big dose of understanding and a knack for making the process not only painless but downright enjoyable. We'll laugh, we'll maybe shed a tear or two over that shirt you've kept since college, and we'll definitely find a home for that gnome collection you always thought you needed.

My clients often describe me as the Mary Poppins of organization – practically perfect in every mess. My secret? A winning combo of boundless energy, an easy-going attitude, and a knack for finding solutions where others see problems. I'm like your personal cheerleader, but with a label maker.

So, whether you're drowning in a sea of paperwork, surrounded by a mountain of toys that seem to multiply overnight, or you just want to refresh your space without breaking the bank, I'm your gal. Join me on this adventure to declutter, design, and delight in the joy of an organized life!

Ready to kick chaos to the curb? Let's do this, my fellow champions of order and let's Say Hello to Organized You! 

Let’s Work Together

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